Kraaifontein Sport Shooting Club
Course build 07h30
Sightin 09h00
Shooters brief 09h25
Shoot starts at 09H30 – untill finish .

Visitors = R130 (kids under 18 = R65)
Members of KSSC pay less…
Kraaifontein Sport Shooting Club
Course build 07h30
Sightin 09h00
Shooters brief 09h25
Shoot starts at 09H30 – untill finish .
Visitors = R130 (kids under 18 = R65)
Members of KSSC pay less…
Please join us for our league shoot on the 22 March 2025. Bring new shooters, friends and family and come enjoy the day.
PEARC Van Stadens range
Course build 07h00
Shoot starts at 8:00 – 12:00
The Hunter Field Target group will be hosting a beginners day for all new shooters, the basics will be covered from gun safety all the way to how to aim with a scope. There will also be a mini competition course to go and try your new skills. All are welcome.
Protea shooters and other club members will be on hand to explain the sport, guide and assist.
Starting at 09H00 to +-13h00
If you have a breakbarrel or PCP, doesn’t matter, the range is open to all.
Entry fee is R50p.p.
Map to venue:
Please join us for this fun shoot on the 9th, we will be having a bring and braai afterwards, bring some new shooters, friends and family. The scorecard is going to look a bit different and fun.
Kraaifontein Sport Shooting Club
Course build 07h30
Sightin 09h00
Shooters brief 09h45
Shoot starts at 10H00 – untill finish . we shoud be done by 12h30 to go and have a grown-up juice and braai. Cash bar on site.
Visitors = R130 (kids under 18 = R65)
Members of KSSC pay less…
Special thanks to all the sponsors, organisers, course builders, admin and support. Thank you to George for hosting the event on short notice.
To all the participants that stuck it out in 2 very difficult days, extreme heat on day 1 and soaking wet on day 2 – well done and thank you !
Congratulation to our new SA Champ – Hendre Hulscher.
Open Class : Hendre Hulscher
u/13 : Darius Vrey
u/18 : Hanco Vrey
Veteran : Peter Coop
Recoil : Andre Badenhorst
Ladies : Lizette Matzner
Special class : Werner Landman
Final audited scores:
Per Class:
Protea Team going to Sardinia in April 2025:
SAHFTA Colours and special awards:
SAHFTA Nationals 2024/25 – Jan 2025 – George
Please join us for the National Trials – Hunter Field Target
Thank you to our hosts – George for putting this event together.
The final times will be communicated closer to the date – The shoot will be on 11 and 12 January 2025, Shoot-in the 10th, Venue will be George, the address and link to the shooting range will be posted later.
Information: ALL SHOOTERS are welcome.
Only shooters who have at least 6 league shoots during the 2024/2025 season in the entered class will be eligible for placement in classes. To qualify for Protea colours – Ave of 80%+ and a Provincial Shoot.
All shooters must also adhere to the rules (
1st,2nd and 3rd will be awarded in Special, u/13, u/18, Ladies, Open PCP, Veteran, and Open Recoil classes.
Entries close 5 Jan 2025 at 17h00.
Banking Details:
Bank: Nedbank
Branch Code: 10911400
Account Name: South African Hunter Field Target Association
Account Number: 1188800922
Type of Account: MM Investment Account
Entry Fees as follows:
R400.00 per person
All Juniors u/13 = R250.00 per person
Hope to see you all in George in January 2025.
The ECHFTA will be hosting their provincial championship on 30 November and 1 December 2024. It will consist of a 2-day competition with 40 targets/day. Entries from other provinces welcome. Details of the event will be posted closer to the time.
Champs will bew held at Eenzaamheid on the 7th and the 8th of December 2024
Entry form:
Sight in Saturday from 12h00 to 13h00
Shooters briefing 13h10
Shoot starts at 13h30 till done – the course will be a 20 lane x2 targets = 40 total
Sunday: Sight in 08h00
Shooters briefing 09h10
Shoot start at 09h30 – we aim to be 13h00 latest
Prizes and awards (after shoot outs) +- 13h30 (We want the people treaveling from far to be home before dark)
NB: Light finger lunch and Prize Giving at Paarl de Ville (+-5km from venue) included in entry fee (Extra people can order food at the venue. Drinks for your own account)
Please join us for the last league shoot of the year – the weekend after we will be shooting Provintials
Course build 07h30
Shooters brief 09h45 / Sightin 09h00
Shoot start 10h00
Members R50p.p.
Non members R130p.p. / Kids R65p.p
Course build will start at 07h30, please lend a helping hand.
Sight in will be +- 09h20, we aim to start at 10h00.
Let’s rock up in our numbers, this is our new away shoots course and spanking new to everybody and fun
to shoot.
Entry fee at R100 p.p and kids under 18 at R50.
Map to venue: